
The Case For Trading Alex Vlasic, Here Come The Warm Jets, MLS Gobbledegook
Let's end the week by talking about an outlandish trade idea, previewing Saturday afternoon's game with Winnipeg, and Dan Garber letting some ooze dribble out of his mouth. Sector 1901 - The Case For Trading Alex Vlasic Let me state at the top that this isn&

Emergency Newsletter: When The Whip Comes Down
Well, I guess Kyle Davidson can put himself on the clock. Wonders never cease. Give Davidson this, and it's the only thing one should give him, he didn't wait around. The symptoms of a team that needs a coaching change only started appearing rather recently. The

The Time Has Come To Say Fair's Fair, The Premier League Means Fatigue

Podcast - Jaked On Green Beans
Live From The Five Hole on the Bears and Hawks and the small matters they went through this week. http://www.faxesfromuncledale.com/wp-content/uploads/Faxes-From-Uncle-Dale-Live-From-The-Five-Hole-12-3-24-Jaked-On-Green-Beers.mp3

Crisis In The Eye Of The Beholder, If The Cubs Meant It

Working Hard For Nothing,I Don't Care How You Got Fired,The Cubs Return To The Middle
Just A Reminder

The Piss On Your Leftovers, A New Day-ish, Age Comes For Everyone

Time To Get Neal Page Home
We're gonna set up the three Thanksgiving weekend games the Hawks have and then it's time for Terry Boers Christmas drunk. Last reminder, going behind the subscription wall come Monday. We all knew this mumbo jumbo wouldn't fly! Sector 1901 - Time To Get

Live From The Five Hole: Squabble Up
This week's podcast... Download: Spotify: Apple: Google Stitcher : RSS http://www.faxesfromuncledale.com/wp-content/uploads/Faxes-From-Uncle-Dale-Live-From-The-Five-Hole-11-26-24-Squabble-Up.mp3

Concerns About Bedard, Concerns About The Cubs, Concenrs About My Well-Being
Programming note: Gonna take the holiday and Black Friday off, so tomorrow's newsletter will get everyone ready for the Hawks three games over the holiday period. Also, if you're good at something never do it for free, so starting Monday everything goes behind the subscription gate